Bridges the Physical World with Virtual Realms+
With geek-cool tech terms such as ‘the metaverse’, ‘web 3.0’ and ‘blockchain’ dominating the discourse in today’s tech-driven digital age, there is no question that the way in which we work, play and interact is going to look vastly different in the not-too-distant future. For some, this unfamiliar new-age territory can be rather daunting.
About Chain 4 Art
Chain 4 art is a hybrid offline and online SoFi (social finance) platform, driven by a passionate and fun-loving community. Chain 4 art ,First established in 2020 as a referral-only membership club — connecting like-minded individuals while leveraging individual members’ assets and expertise.
As one of the companies in Asia leading the exploration of the metaverse, Chain 4 art envisions a world where this still-niche concept has flourished into a common one, where people are able to effortlessly move between physical and virtual realms, while leveraging the advantages of both. From digital ownership to non-fungible tokens (NFTs), virtual experiences are the future, and the applications are endless. Whether it’s setting up a virtual productivity platform for your company or exploiting virtual avenues to drive marketing and recognition for your product, successful business owners need to have fluency with this new landscape.
RWAT(Real World Art Token)
現實世界藝術數字通證(Hong Kong)
Holding RWAT not only means that you have the right to get the signed hand-embellished print, on which the artist creates his derivative work, but also enjoys a share of the royalties from the sales of prints of the artist's designated artworks in the Chinese market within a specific period of time.
This business model would bring us innovative changes to blockchain space associated with the real world, no matter whether it is the form of print sales or the actual value of NFT digital assets. With the help of Hong Kong as a bridge, the RWAT model would connect the mainland China with the Web3.0 market across the globe.
Kindly be noted that the purchase of RWAT corresponds to the collection of physical art prints. The associated royalties are only an additional bonus, which is equivalent to an extra discount for purchasing the prints. Please focus on the substantial artistic value of the prints.
April 2, 2024Read more...聚 Gatherings 本次RWAT作品—《聚》,選自林天行最為著名的荷花系列,發行授權由收藏方明畫廊(llluminati FineArt)提供,經方正環球科技有限公司(Founder...April 12, 2024Read more...https://m.orangenews.hk/details?recommendId=1215854 【橙訊】近年來,隨着Web3.0科技潮湧香江,香港藝術品市場亦開始出現「藝術+科技」的...Thangka NFTs
The combination of Thangka and NFTs will be not only new soil for the growth of the economic ecology of Thangka but also an inspiration for more people to join in the creation of Thangka art more diversely. This will open a new gate for digital Thangka art.
To bring Thangka into the Metaverse is an epoch-making innovation of technology and art. In the physical world, most of Thangka can only be seen by a few people. However, Thangka is given digital avatars in Metaverse through blockchain and VR technologies. Therefore, people from all around the world are able to access Thangka. This will cause essential changes.
© 2024. Chain 4 Art